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Old 12-24-2017, 06:39 AM
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Mark70Z Mark70Z is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Jacksonville, FL
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Default Brooks Robinson/Orioles

I have a couple of goals for 2018 related to collecting listed below:

1. I started a Brooks Robinson autograph run of his regular issue cards from 1957 through 1978, all in pen, a couple months ago. I’d like to complete the run in 2018. Thought it would be a fun side project that I can’t believe I haven’t done yet since I’ve been collecting Brooksie stuff for so long now. I thought I’d have a couple already, but I only had one signed card in pen in all the junk I have acquired over the years. I really don’t want to get in a hurry, which is my tendency, and have to go back an upgrade, but I have already picked up a couple which are not really the quality I wanted, but picked up to fill the gap. I guess a secondary goal with this is have some restraint.

2. Sell some items that I’ll never display or not crazy about. Use this as my spending money to pick up some more displayable items.

3. Complete my sports (currently junk) room. It was pretty much complete a couple of years ago, but I wanted to go more non cluttered and more of a nicer room/den. It’s not very large, but it’s got potential. Also, my son got married and when he purchased a home I gave him the tv, cabinet, etc. out of the room so I’ll need those as well. I’m sure anyone with a room dedicated to your collection knows it will never be really done or complete, but I’m just wanting it to be a functional room rather than a place used for storage.

The above is probably enough for one year.

Hope you all have a Merry Christmas!
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