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Old 01-09-2018, 07:59 AM
1952boyntoncollector 1952boyntoncollector is offline liebe.rman
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Originally Posted by pokerplyr80 View Post
I agree with this. Also, the check cleared on the 10th, and the OP had to reach out 10 days later to inform the AH that his order hadn't been sent out. I would expect someone at LOTG to have been looking for these cards to send out before that. And after being informed it took another 8 days to get a response back? If this happened to me I would not be pleased.

I get that AL is well respected and one of the good guys in our hobby. But from what I've read in this thread this particular situation could have been handled better in my opinion.
right it only appears AFTER he started the thread is he getting 'action' Looks like he tried beforehand as well. Makes sense that he would post whats going on and he does say he 100% backs what he says and gives his name....what more can you ask for a buyer

maybe people will bid more on these auctions hoping to get extra goodies by mistake...