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Old 01-09-2018, 06:30 PM
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brianp-beme brianp-beme is online now
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Posts: 7,752

Glad that it sounds like things will work out, and I admit that the OP had a legitimate gripe in being left in the dark for 8 days after being informed that the cards were in hiding. There were two postings from the OP that rubbed me the wrong way, however, after Al politely agreed with his various statements about the situation:

"I will scan a copy of the envelope and postmark to this thread when it arrives..."

"I wish you were as concerned for me receiving my winnings as you are with this thread..."

I typically stay out of posting in threads that stir things up, as I have spent decades in this hobby enjoying it at my relatively low level as a hobby and source of relaxation. But when someone that is so obviously good for the hobby, as Al has become in his capacity as an auction house owner, is being treated like he can't be trusted at his words, or that he has to prodded to make things right, well, it just stuck in my craw.

All has been made right in the universe, so carry on...may life proceed as it did in the time before best by dates on perishable items, when you had to decide on when to throw things out based upon the amount of dust on the packaging.
