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Old 01-09-2018, 08:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Al C.risafulli View Post
Hi everyone:

This has mostly been a great discussion. I thought, now that the problem is on the fast-track to resolution, I would chime in with one last post to perhaps clarify a few things.

First and foremost, I have no issue with Frank opening this thread. I’ve been a member of this board for years, and time and again I’ve seen conflicts addressed and resolved due to discussions here. I’ve also seen many collectors get restitution simply by voicing their concerns. If I have to take a little heat, even when I am trying to do the right thing, that’s just collateral damage from a resource that is very, very helpful to this community.

Back on December 14, I received a payment from a long-time customer for his auction winnings. He included a note, asking if there was any way I could expedite his shipment so it would arrive before the holidays. In my haste to get his package out, I mistakenly put Frank’s 11 T206 cards (which had been pulled for packing as well) in with this customer’s items. I learned this today, because that customer read this thread, reviewed his shipment, and realized he had the cards. He has already shipped the cards back to me and provided a tracking number, and I should be able to turn them around and ship them to Frank by the end of the week.

It is truly unfortunate that this happened, because it is my goal to satisfy every single winning bidder with every single transaction. At the same time, over the five-year history of LOTG we’ve shipped about 15,000 different lots – and as much as I’d love to say we’re batting 1.000, it’s probably more like we’re batting .995. And while it’s true there were more slip-ups when the company was younger and we were still learning the ropes, from time to time I still make a mistake. What I CAN say, unequivocally, is that when I discover a problem, I do my best to resolve it as quickly as possible.

In this case, Frank made me aware that he had not received his winnings on December 20. After checking my records and realizing his lot was pulled but never shipped, I searched the storage area and, upon realizing the cards were no longer in our possession, attempted to piece together where I had inadvertently shipped them. I asked Frank for a couple of days to get to the root of things, knowing that the cards likely were still in transit due to holiday volume slowing USPS delivery times. After taking December 23-25 off for Christmas, I returned to the office on the 26th, hoping that the cards had arrived at their mystery destination, and whoever received them would reach out. On December 28, when that hadn’t happened, I advised Frank I would issue a full refund rather than hold his money, and apologized for my sloppy work. I cut the check on the 29th, the sixth business day after learning of the problem.

There is a second point I feel is worth addressing. During the course of this thread, a few people came to my defense – or at least attempted to offer an explanation for my mistake – by commenting that my company is a “one man show.” I am thrilled to say this is actually not the case. As many of you know, this fall Jeff Prizner joined me as consignment director, becoming the second face of LOTG (Jeff has a better face than me). But Love of the Game for quite some time has had capable behind-the-scenes help as well in the shipping room, and for scanning and photography, description-writing, and finance. I am not the only guy here!

I had a very pleasant discussion with Frank this afternoon, and I am thrilled to be able to get closer to making this right for him. It was his first experience with my company, and I messed it up. To those of you who offered kind words in this thread, I’m super appreciative. But what’s most important is that each time something like this happens, I can use it as a lesson to improve the service I provide to each of you.

Now…on to the next auction. We’ve got some FANTASTIC stuff lined up, it may well be the best auction we’ve ever had. I’d much rather be talking about that!

Warm regards,
You're a good dude, Al. If anything, this discussion has only served to show how honorable your business is.