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Old 01-11-2018, 11:40 PM
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Jay Cee
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Originally Posted by timn1 View Post
Thanks for your support here. I was not aware of this before, and It makes me feel I am doing the right thing by bringing this back up after 18 months. No doubt A and B were hoping that everyone who knew about this would just forget about it.

But M is my dearest friend in the world and this has caused him a lot of hurt - so I am not forgetting, or forgiving.
Heck, I wanted to come out on this years ago. M was trying to allow everyone time to do the right thing. He asked me not to post so I didnt back then. I will say the B wont get my business either. That includes their ebay auctions and the National. B was more worried about keeping his profits which was a big percentage than taking them back from M. He also said he should have known they were hot as he barely paid anything for them.

I thout a claim should have been made and insurance get involved, which then they would require a police report.
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