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Old 01-12-2018, 02:51 PM
timn1 timn1 is offline
Tim Newcomb
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Illinois
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Default sweet Jam reference indeed

Originally Posted by Rhotchkiss View Post
I love that we just got a Jam reference; well done Adam, great band! It's a crying shame they disbanded as early as they did.

because I'm not that quick, I have only gradually grasped the point people have made about the dealer not even being willing to give up his profit. i think it's important enough to be underlined.

for those who are similarly dim, look at it this way:

dealer buys items for $1000, quickly resells them for $4000. (these amounts are hypothetical.) shortly thereafter it's discovered that the items were stolen. all legalities aside, shouldn't the dealer at the very least offer to refund the buyer $3000???? that would lessen the sting for the buyer considerably, and yet in doing so the dealer has not actually lost a penny relative to where he was before the whole thing started.

the more I understand, the more angry I get about it. in this case the dealer seems to have decided that the risk to his reputation is less important than keeping someone else's money which (if i am reading earlier posts correctly) he has no basis for considering it to be his! in the first place!!

do we want someone like this in our hobby?
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