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Old 01-16-2018, 11:45 AM
TUM301 TUM301 is offline
H Murphy
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Western Mass
Posts: 1,193

Not sure if Tomlin`s job is safe or not but he`s got common denominators and trends that don`t reflect kindly. Winning is tough in this league but everyone`s in the same boat as far as the salary cap goes, not sure about his own input but umpteen millions for single RB`s and WR`s is a difficult route to go. Again his record of 116-60 through 2017, a .660 %, is impressive but that too can be deceptive. You HAVE to play your division, and god knows Bel/Brady feast on the Jets and Bills, but he`s 35-9 against the Browns/Bengals and 81-51 vs the rest.
Those are still solid #`s but adding the playoffs, 8-7, and basically 3-6 without an AFC Champ appearance in 8 years doesn`t cut it in one of the proudest and storied NFL cities in history.
Not sure what kind of replacement coaching talent is available but with the way the Steelers season`s have been ending I don`t blame Pitts fan for questioning Tomlin`s leadership at all. Lastly, and sorry to be so long winded, but losing in the NFL is one thing, it happens to 31 teams every year, but looking unprepared and disorganized or not focused is another. Again, just my 2 cents.
H Murphy Collection
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