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Old 01-17-2018, 04:25 PM
Marchillo Marchillo is offline
St3phen M@rchillo
Join Date: May 2017
Posts: 693

I go to induction weekend every year. So I'll pass on some knowledge.

You are a little late in the game. Have you called the b&bs? Are you willing to camp? Hotels must be booked already. I camp every year about 10 minutes away. At this point they keep my spot reserved for me but I confirm early enough and leave a deposit. I bet you are still able to get a campsite. There are many in the area.

It's not a good weekend to go and expect to get quality time at the museum. You'd want to be there by Wednesday or Thursday. Friday is crazy and Saturday is crazier. Saturday closes early so the hofers get the place to themselves.

Autos. Free autos can be had at the golf course (I've never tried this but others I've talked to have had success). They definitely all play golf on Saturday morning.

MAB runs the biggest autograph show Fri-Mon. They usually have 40 plus signings. Considering the limited space and volume they manage it pretty well. It's at the Tuncliff Inn. You stand out on the street and they call numbers. You can spend many hours out there waiting. Guys are late sometimes because of golf etc. Guys will also leave early if they arent busy. New hofers don't sign anywhere until Monday. So if you want any of the current guys plan to stay an extra day and pay a premium.

Other places run autograph appearances too. Jacke Burke (in front of CVS) , 7th inning stretch, Safe at Home etc.

There are many card shops which is fun but the best deals can be had at the card show they have there every year.

I don't think this year will be crazier than ever. Maybe the Detroit fans will travel well. Braves fans just had a bunch get in. I bet next year gets worse with Mariano and the year after will break records with Jeter.
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