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Old 01-27-2018, 02:39 PM
Kurri17 Kurri17 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2015
Location: Tennessee
Posts: 331

A few recent pick-ups. Just ran across the Starr at the LCS and had to have it, I love the Philly issues. The Namath was a mistake, purchased it thinking I still needed it for my '72 set but am down to four and Namath isn't one of them. So, have a nice Namath, but nothing I would have purchased for my PC so would much rather have put those funds towards something else. The Kellogg's are just the latest in the loooooooooong road to complete this set with no cracking. Only about half way so far, and I try to catch deals or trades rather than just spend a ton to have it.

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