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Old 02-16-2018, 12:40 PM
brian1961 brian1961 is offline
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Originally Posted by Volod View Post
As a huge Braves fan in my childhood, I was thunderstruck to find a package of cookies in a mom-pop grocery store with terrific cards of Braves players attached. My mother had brought me along just to lug bags, and was really annoyed that I desperately begged for the cookies. To this day, I remember the smell and taste of Johnston Cookies and wish I had been old enough in 1954 to go back to that little corner store and buy up their entire stock of them.
Steve, I would have loved to have interviewed you for my book on immediate post-war regional / food issues, NEVER CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN. I find your remembrances of the Johnston Cookie cards enchanting, as I also the perfect reprints you ever so skillfully made and gave me as a present about 3 years ago. Thank you ever so much!!!!! I was so touched; they're magnificent.

Yeah, you are so right. If we all could be granted three places to go back in time to get certain cards from some non-gum promotion that were usually not easy to get at the time the window was open for purchase.

Thanks for sharing your eloquent memories, brother. Have a great day, sir.

---Brian Powell
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