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Old 02-21-2018, 04:41 PM
packs packs is offline
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Originally Posted by rats60 View Post
Lawn ornaments, comic books, comic strips, cartoons, posters, logos. I wouldn't pay a penny for any of that stuff. I would throw away advertisements unless they had a famous baseball player on it. The idea that everyone has the same collecting interests is silly. There will always be people collecting baseball and sports items and who have no interest in items like you listed. Shoes and t- shirts are meant to wear, not collect. I throw them out when I am done using them. I watch sports on TV. I rarely go to the movies, I consider them a waste of money. Art affects your life, not mine.
Utilitarian means something has a practical use. My point was artwork is not limited to million dollar paintings. You wear clothes a person designed. You live in a house with furniture someone designed. You read books people wrote. That’s all art.
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