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Old 03-04-2018, 07:59 PM
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Kevin Coh3n
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: CT
Posts: 371

Originally Posted by ding974 View Post
I noticed in Richard Simon's reply he says at the bottom "ask for my autograph price list." So basically you are in the autograph selling business, yourself--isn't that correct? Casting aspersions on competitors in some peoples minds is a way for them to try to get business away from a competitor. Is that the case with you---because it sure appears to be??

In truth, the reason I waited 3 years to respond to VA Yankees comments, is because it was only in the last couple of days a competitor informed me of the same problems he had with the same fellow, and about his posting. I usually don't spend a minute of time looking at these "whine-lines."

What I do find interesting, and give support to my hypothesis, is that from simply posting a rebuttal from some unbeknownst guy to most of you, the immediate inclination on your parts was to immediately start casting accusations and snarky comments in my direction without knowing squat. That is proven by somebody pointing out a Gehrig/Ruth item, that if you actually looked at our website would see we have absolutely not an item signed by either one of them up for sale.

For me, I got my Sunday laughs reading this stuff. Anybody who was lucid who would read most of the posts on this site would also find spending more than a few minutes for entertainment, also a waste of time. If any of the fairy tales that are spun on here had a shred of evidence backing them up, the entities you accuse (all your competitors--but not yourselve's of course) would all be out of business and/or locked up.

So have at it--given you all enough fodder to stay out of your usual haunts like the saloons and the bread lines to knock yourself out and write nasty, disparaging, non-factual comments backed up without 1 shred of evidence until your heart is content, and then maybe when I come back to this site again 10 years from now I'll be able to get some more laughs.
For someone who doesn’t care what the 20 people who use this site have to say, you sure are writing a ton of long winded defensive comments. You sell blatant forgeries man, when I want a good Sunday laugh I hop on over to your auctions, but please, keep on going!
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