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Old 03-26-2018, 05:56 PM
Hankphenom Hankphenom is offline
Hank Thomas
Join Date: Jun 2009
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Originally Posted by Topnotchsy View Post
This exact letter sold at Hunt for $2500 iirc a couple of years back. I don’t track sales on these items specifically but for early letters I definitely seem to think prices were higher. I could be remembering wrong though.
I can see where you would be disappointed with that falloff from the previous sale, but of course it was you and the underbidder taking it to that level then. This time you're out, so it drops down to the next two, or two completely different bidders. As we've all found out, auctions can disappoint sometimes, and those are the ones that seem to stick with us! I don't make a study of it or anything, just pay attention to WaJo items whenever I see them, but overall I would say his autographs in most formats have held steady the past few years, or at least if it's changed, it hasn't been enough for me to notice. One of the recent auctions had a nice check go for $1,600, which is right where they've been since the big run-up about ten years ago and subsequent crash with the financial crisis. For a couple years before that, those checks got up to 3 grand or so.
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