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Old 03-26-2018, 08:25 PM
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Ben North
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: South Dakota
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Originally Posted by rgpete View Post
Times have changed Schools security should be treated like at airports, prisons, and court houses. But how many Teens died because of texting while driving, alcohol and illegal drugs
I am all for doing something about those texting while driving. Avoiding those morons is a full time job while driving or going for a walk. I have really noticed how bad it is while walking recently. I would say close to 25% of people I see are on their phones. It absolutely amazes me how there are not way more accidents/deaths because of them.

Last year I had a police officer almost hit me head on because he was playing on his phone. When we passed each other over half his car was in my lane.

On the school gun thing. Now we have a police officer at each school. When I was in HS about 20% of the vehicles(all unlocked) had guns in them and there was never a problem. I live in a rural area so many of us hunted on the way to and from school.
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