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Old 04-12-2018, 08:13 AM
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pete ullman
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Originally Posted by MattyC View Post
I guess this is the part of the show where guys take snide online pot shots at how another man spends his hard-earned money, as if what they would choose to spend that man's money on is so much— somehow— better.

I'm certainly the type of collector who would prefer to pay a premium for a centered 4 over whatever a Gem Mt 10 would cost— but I also think it's a bad look to take time from my day to rain on someone's parade if they bought something I wouldn't. End of the day it's another fellow collector and I hope the guy is happy with his card.
i don't care how much and how you earned your hard earned money ...spending 28K on a card like that is just plain stupid! And I'll say it again and again and again!
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