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Old 05-03-2018, 10:07 AM
gopherfan gopherfan is offline
Rob Anderson
Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 158

Originally Posted by Leon View Post
Oh boy- I am going to have to give myself a warning after this.....but let's try to keep it constructive and professional. Here goes

That is not the way the vast majority of liberals (95+%?) feel, from what I have seen. But it is the way many conservatives keep trying to provide a false narrative of the other side. They lump all opposing their view into an ALL or Nothing category and it's simply not that way. Almost all liberals, and conservatives too actually, want guns but they want gun reform. I am on that side. It's really all that can be done to try to lessen the amount of these catastrophes we have. Kudo's to the kiddo's for speaking up. That said they might give some ideas on what to do, while they are at it. I have seen very few saying exactly what would be better except for the background checks and outlawing a few weapons.

Sorry Leon, but you need to get out and talk to more liberals.
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