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Old 05-03-2018, 10:27 PM
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Luke Lyon
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Originally Posted by SMPEP View Post
Every card has a price of indifference for me. Meaning there is a price where I honestly don't care whether I sell it or keep it.

So when selling, I put my asking price above my point of indifference and take offers. If your offer is above my point of indifference, congrats, the card is yours. If it's not, I'll counter at my point of indifference. You don't like my counter, okay, no worries. Have a nice day. I'm happy to keep the card at that price. (I even imagine I'm buying the card at that price to see if I truly am indifferent at this price).

When buying, my offers go up to my point of indifference. And people that respond to me with price guides, VCP, past sales, whatever amuse me. I could care LESS what your guide book tells you. I told you what the card is worth to me. You don't like my price? Fine. Keep your card and have a great day. I'm happy with that outcome. I have no clue why you aren't too.

Are my prices of indifference in line with the broader market? ABSOLUTELY NOT. There are obscure cards I've bought at prices that no one else in the country would pay. There are also cards that you could offer me at 20% of the lowest known sales price and I'd walk away (I'm just NOT paying a huge premium for Moe Berg cards! His card should never sell for more than a Jimmie Foxx card in my opinion, and as a result I'll never own the card. I'm fine with that.).
This is really well said. It works when buying as well as selling.
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