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Old 05-11-2018, 04:31 PM
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brianp-beme brianp-beme is online now
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Default Unauthorized spokesperson for the Monster thread

Short answer is the creator of the Monster, Mr. Frank, decided upon as easy a system as possible so there was no confusion and anxiety among the folks participating, and perhaps for Frank is a massive set of over 500 cards. Thus no extra points for the type of back, HOF status, big name players etc. except for the well known noted scarcities such as Wagner and Plank.

I created the E90-1 E-Monster (aka The Kraken) thread. Since it is a smaller set with less complexity (but plenty of levels of scarcity) I gave, with the help of fellow collectors, a good chunk of the tougher cards various weights based upon both scarcity and demand. It was a somewhat painful process but now things are settled in and I think people can easily compute their Kraken number.

Make sure you post your Monster number on the official thread...otherwise Frank might just overlook your post, and your Monster number will be lost for eternity.

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