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Old 05-15-2018, 09:56 PM
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Frank Evanov
Join Date: Jul 2017
Location: Manhasset NY
Posts: 215
Default Following orders

Originally Posted by Tabe View Post
The Nuremberg Defense. Awesome.

There's also a big difference between "making a mistake" and doing the same illegal behavior over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and get the point.

It's an absolute joke he got another job with an auction house and an even bigger joke that people on here are defending that.
Ya know when I first started practicing medicine I had very few patients and I earned money to pay all the bills by filling various posts. I did endoscopy procedures on Fridays for a Community Health Center. I was the Chief Medical Officer of the Floral-Park Bellerose Schools. As such I had to attend all the Varsity games. One year, in a playoff game, the team's best player injured his knee. The kid and the coach wanted to keep playing. I took him out of the game. The irate coach told me to play the kid or he'd make sure I wasn't back the next School year. I took the player to the locker room and iced his knee.....I wasn't re-hired.
Frank Evanov
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