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Old 06-04-2018, 01:02 AM
brian1961 brian1961 is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 1,332

Tim, that's perfectly fine you don't care for the 1962 JELL-O boxes. Really, that's a blessing when you're focusing on just collecting the set in the first place. As I think about it, though, the focus of my chapter on the '62 JELL-O concentrates on the mega rarity of the perhaps unique unfolded box I am extremely privileged to own. Sure, I talk about the promotion and the cards to some degree, and provide my one childhood memory of them, but what you might very well be hoping for won't be included.

Now, having said that, advanced collector Dan Mabey is researching the '62 JELL-Os for a book, and another advanced collector, as well as Post and Jell-O specialist, Ken Marks, is feverishly working on pairing up each player with what different flavor boxes he appeared on. He has a small cadre of kindred spirits working with him---all dyed in the wool collectors who relish those '62 JELL-0s like you. Perhaps you can reach out to him for counsel and advice on pursuing the set.

So, if I have scotched a potential book sale, I don't care, because I would much rather you become a happy customer, and glad you purchased my book, rather than buy it, become disappointed, and get sore over the money you spent for it.

I better head to bed. Take care, bud. ---- Brian Powell
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