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Old 06-11-2018, 11:31 AM
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D. Bergin D. Bergin is offline
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Originally Posted by Jim65 View Post
I assume increased sales if you guarantee delivery in certain amount of days. It looks like a lot of sellers participate in it.

Most sellers with TRS were defaulted into it. Most likely don't even know they offer it. I wasn't sure I was until I just looked at my preferences, as I don't see it offered in my own listings, even when I am signed out.

Supposedly if the seller meets their handling time then Ebay foots the bill on late delivery's..................for at least 2018 anyways. They are making no promises for 2019.

Seems a really stupid thing to promise when you aren't in charge of the delivery system. Ebay trying to promise all the same things as Amazon, without having the infrastructure of Amazon............putting all of their promises on sellers backs.

Of course, even if Ebay is covering it, it's not going to stop buyers from now contacting sellers directly who don't know how the system really works and demanding "I didn't get my item when you said I would, give me my shipping fee back".

False expectations are often the bane of any type of business, and the cause of much buyer angst.
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