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Old 06-20-2018, 03:50 AM
Rich Klein Rich Klein is offline
Rich Klein
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Plano Tx
Posts: 4,524

A few things

1) Yes, without this injury the money would have changed hands on the super fractor. From what I heard, the person who pulled the card turned down a legit $60K offer. I bet he wishes he took the money and ran at this point.

2) This is why, and I don't play in this game, EBay rules are terrible for new card sellers. A person should not have 30 days to return a card after they purchase it when the real return reason is this obvious. Our needs are different than other businesses and we need things related to that. Same for pay pal. I had to wait a week for a dealer to pay for his tables at my last show because paypal originally sided with a customer on such an issue. I think a no-returns policy, even if EBay does not like it, deters a ton of this crap.

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