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Old 06-21-2018, 11:17 AM
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rats60 rats60 is offline
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Originally Posted by tiger8mush View Post
Prices are much higher than ebay. Probably 25% more. If it was the same as ebay, the dealers wouldn't show up. They have to pay for tables and gas/hotel/food expenses. You can negotiate / make offers if the sticker price is close to what you want to pay. But if its double, then its probably not worth the effort.

- wear comfortable sneakers cuz you will do a lot of walking for many hours
- bring a backpack to carry stuff in, including want lists and stuff you buy. Don't lose site of your backpack cuz there are sticky fingers all around.
- bring snacks because the convention food options are often limited and pricey
- unless you see an AMAZING deal, try to do a quick run-thru before buying. Keep track of table numbers with notes about the table contents if you see something you like, because you will THINK it'll be easy to find but after seeing hundreds of tables over multiple hours everything blurs together. Something simple like "T206 Cobb red VG $1k table #88 " will suffice.

Have fun!!!
It just depends. I have found dealers that are very much in line with Ebay/Auction Houses. They understand that Ebay/PayPal takes 13%, Auction Houses ~20%. They can sell enough where their expenses are covered by what they don't have to give to Ebay/Auction Houses. Then you have dealers who have museum prices and are trying to cover their expenses on a couple sales.
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