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Old 06-22-2018, 11:43 PM
Brian Van Horn Brian Van Horn is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 6,080

I love this part of the ruling which is just going to open a wonderful can of worms:

"(d) In the absence of Quill and Bellas Hess, the first prong of the Complete Auto test simply asks whether the tax applies to an activity with a substantial nexus with the taxing State, 430 U. S., at 279. Here, the nexus is clearly sufficient. The Act applies only to sellers who engage in a significant quantity of business in the State, and respondents are large, national companies that undoubtedly maintain an extensive virtual presence. Any remaining claims regarding the Commerce Clause’s application in the absence of Quill and Bellas Hess may be addressed in the first instance on remand. Pp. 22–23."

This isn't the last word. This is just the commercial break after the first quarter of this football game.
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