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Old 06-27-2018, 10:29 PM
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AGuinness AGuinness is offline
Garth Guibord
Join Date: Jan 2016
Location: Portland, OR
Posts: 937

Originally Posted by frankbmd View Post
With the ever increasing number of whiffs (strike outs) in today's game perhaps they need to practice barreling up more. Worrying about your launch angle when failing to make contact seems fruitless.
I totally understand if this is not helping your (or anybody's) enjoyment of baseball. I do think that calling it fruitless is a bit of a poor choice of words - there have been a number of examples through recent years of players focusing on launch angle and with results being fruitful (Josh Donaldson is the poster boy of this). And also just how the game is trending, with more fly balls and strike outs, part of which can be attributed to launch angle data - and this is not just a few teams, but most teams are putting the data to use in this way. Again, if this stuff doesn't appeal to you, I get it, but players, coaches, front offices, etc. are certainly utilizing it (and probably other data the public is totally unaware of, too).
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