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Old 07-16-2018, 08:14 PM
CurtisFlood CurtisFlood is offline
Bob McLean
Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: Missouri
Posts: 427

Originally Posted by Johnny630 View Post
I’m sure all sellers take proper precautions but just encase I hope all dealers will be watching their material and not get distracted for this years National. It’s saddens me to hear from a few dealers this past weekend that several dealers had stuff stolen off their tables, it’s terrible but this happens. Please be aware that thief’s like this usually work in teams using diversion/distraction techniques. Please look out for each other and report to security or police if you see or catch a crook.

Cleveland is not as bad as Chicago for thieves except when the gangs of thieves from Chicago come down for their fun. I've seen them in Cleveland, but they are based in Chicago. You are correct, they work in teams and I've lost some stuff. The more eyes you have on your inventory the better. Never leave it unattended and don't assume that all the vendors are above lifting stuff, because they are not.
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