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Old 07-20-2018, 04:12 PM
BillP BillP is offline
Bill par.sons
Join Date: Dec 2013
Posts: 267

Originally Posted by skil55voy View Post
I would like to give a bit of a different perspective. When I was collecting as a kid, I started in 1962. I was able to complete that set as all of the Series released by Topps made it to my local stores. (St. Clair Shores, Michigan). I looked forward to the 63 set. However, I was only able to get cards into the 4th Series. No boxes for 5th, 6th 7th ever made it to the stores. In 1964 I made it to the 5th series. In 1965, I was able to complete the set as all Series showed up. 1966 all the way to the 7th Series. No 7th Series boxes showed up. 1967 I was able to get to the 7th. In 1968 and 1969 I was able to complete my sets.

When I started collecting again in the 80's the cards I found to be difficult were the 63 6th and 7th, 66 and 67 7th.

As an aside, I completed sets from 58 through 61 and did not have that much trouble. I was fairly close to completing the 56 and 57 sets but sold the collection before I finished. Also, in 66 you could write to Topps and get cards for 4 cents apiece. I picked 10 numbers from the 7th Series at random and sent away for them.
In 70 and 71 I ordered Series 5 through 7 for each set for $2.25 a Series.
Thx for a very interesting narrative. I think it calls into the discussion that selected areas of the country received later series boxes while others like my area (New England) switch to Football by August. And that's what happened in my area. As an example, by august of 66 it was mostly Philly football with less of topps football. 66 went to the 6th series BB and that as it. 67 to the 6th as well. 68 to the 7th though 69 cant remember. We had selected non sport summer and fall. I had head maybe on this forum that the west coast got the majority of 67 7th series and that Vending 7th series was out there as well. I think this is where the short B Robinson card originated.
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