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Old 08-06-2018, 08:40 AM
brian1961 brian1961 is offline
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Ronnie----Thanks for taking the time to detail what went down. I feel for your loss on the '62 JELL-O Vic Power box. There's something about a complete box on these that sounds the ka-ching, though without seeing the box, it's really tough to say whether the dealer's price was too steep. As you noted, he negotiated for the sale of the pair. Also, there's obviously no price guide on these, and who is really qualified to price such rare pieces? It's hard to put into words---with these complete box pieces, you truly "escape the ordinary" (a nod to the great A & E commercials of 20 years ago --- see them on YOUTUBE). The opportunity to find one available, even at the National convention, is starkly seldom. They're simply too exotic, and it comes down to a dealer putting a substantial price on them, and a buyer deciding upon what he's willing to give for them. Finally, they strike a deal.

In 1988, at the huge fall Philly show, I saw an unfolded 1962 JELL-O box for the first time. As I've written before, I was bowled over---intrigued to the max. Since the free prize was none other than Mickey Mantle, it's not surprising this type of exotic piece was in an All State display case of Mr. Mint Alan Rosen. After a few questions, I pondered about the box. Honestly, there is a slim chance I walked away to think about it; however, I don't believe I did. The contemplating on my part was in seconds. Right off the bat, I wanted it. The Mint Man would not negotiate on his price, but then, his price really seemed fair for a regal rarity such as this. I could not bare the possibility of someone else snatching it away to their collection, and knowing full well I wanted it, I bought it. In 30 years, no regrets. I must say I have yet to see another '62 JELL-O box of Mr. Mantle in a MINT unfolded state. I would call this a genuine chance of a lifetime. Granted, we're not talking about a 1952 Topps, but look, they're all over the place. I love that card too, believe me. I owned a beauty for 22 years, but there's just something ultra special about the complete package with the card. A conversation piece extraordinaire.

It would have been interesting to hear the dealer detail the provenance of the '63 JELL-O Kirkland unfolded box, if he was told and remembers any of it. Even if he doesn't recall, the piece is genuine, and rare as hen's teeth!

Jason---Sweet ads! Thanks ever so much for loading them up for us to enjoy!

---Brian Powell

Last edited by brian1961; 08-06-2018 at 10:58 AM.
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