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Old 08-13-2018, 06:44 PM
Al C.risafulli's Avatar
Al C.risafulli Al C.risafulli is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Kingston, NY
Posts: 875

I've missed just two Nationals since 2005 (Anaheim and the first Baltimore) - I'd go even if I didn't have LOTG to promote and consignments to beg for. It's the highlight of my summer every year, not for the stuff but for the opportunity to see everybody, shake hands, trade stories, catch up, maybe grab a beer at the bar.

The other thing I pay close attention to is how many kids are in attendance at the show, and how enthusiastic they are. I look for it specifically. As collectors, we are all ambassadors of this hobby, and to some degree, we're the guys keeping these stories alive for young people. There were more kids at the show this year than I remember in a while; we gave away about 40 packs of cards and I'm always surprised at how many young kids can identify Babe Ruth just by looking at a picture. I don't understand these crazy pack rips they have, but if it's keeping kids engaged in the hobby, I'll embrace all the yelling and screaming over the microphones at the show!

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