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Old 08-18-2018, 09:14 PM
Volod Volod is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: NEOH
Posts: 1,078

I actually was eight years old in the summer of 1953, but I never saw or heard of the black and white series - until nearly thirty years later - but that was because, like most kids at that time, I kind of lost interest in nerdy pursuits like cards once school was out and I could pedal my bike to a nearby lake, or play baseball or just about any activity that took me outside and away from inside. Maybe kids are different today. Addressing your question in the usual way-back machine, time-travel mode, however, I would spend the entire summer doing odd jobs and collecting deposit bottles and using the proceeds to buy up as many waxpacks as I could before NiceDoctor beat me to them.
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