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Old 08-19-2018, 06:15 AM
iowadoc77 iowadoc77 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2013
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Originally Posted by jefferyepayne View Post
I go every year. The reality now is that you can find more items online (and usually at a better price) than you can at any card show, including the National. You used to hear that you would see things at the National that you'd never seen before. While this is still a possibility, it doesn't happen as much now with all of the online auctions out there.

However you can't have a beer with long time friends online. You can't sit at the bar and talk to a former MLBer online. You can't sit next to a collector and trade cards online ... or put a face with a name (ID) ... or experience a show with your kids. There are so many reasons beyond cards to make the trek each year to the National. The National is our hobby's yearly convention. If you look at it as that, its a can't miss event even if you come home with nothing but memories.

So well said Jeff. I agree 100%. Catching up with old friends and making new ones and experiencing all of it with my son was absolutely priceless. Showing him what I collect and why and digging through boxes to find what he collects and introducing him to my friends in the hobby. Awesome stuff.
One highlight was finding his first prewar baseball card as he is a new and shiny football card collector. A PSA 4 Hughie Jennings T206 both arms pose that is nearly perfectly centered and very very nice for the grade at a very fair price.
That card now resides right in the middle of his display case in his room. And he is pumped about it. Sharing that moment with him is something I will truly never forget.
I love this hobby. I love the relationships that have been made. I love the convention. I try to go into it with expectancy instead of expectation. I don’t expect to find some amazing deal but it’s cool if I do. I don’t expect to find exactly what I am looking for but it’s cool if I do. I don’t expect everything to go a certain way. I go with the hope of having a great time for the right reasons and it always seems to happen. And sometimes I even bring home great stuff purchased from great people.
Seeking Type 1 photos especially Ruth
I still love the hobby
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