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Old 08-28-2018, 12:06 PM
bgar3 bgar3 is offline
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Default 1873 Peck and Snyder Encyclopedia

Picked up an early equipment catalogue, 1873 Peck and Snyder Encyclopedia with 20 colored engravings, many base ball related including some of players in specific team uniforms. I attached the Cincinnati Red Stocking one.
There are a few condition issues, including a missing leaf with a colored engraving of base ball hats.
You can view the Library of Congress copy online at internet archive. However, anyone who wants a specific page or type of equipment pages sent to them, just sent me your email.
If anyone has a copy of the catalogue I would greatly appreciate a copy my missing leaf.
By the way I could find no mention of the Peck and Snyder team photos.
My first attempt to post photos failed, but I will keep trying. Failed again so I will post this and keep trying with just the photos.
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