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Old 08-30-2018, 02:53 PM
Den*nis O*Brien Den*nis O*Brien is offline
Den*nis O*Brien
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Northern Wisconsin
Posts: 493
Default SCD Lost Me When....

....they could not use the "Clout" of a big customer of USPS to argue that the mailings destined for central and northern Wisconsin should not be sent 5 hrs. south to Chicago to be redirected back up north when time permitted. I live 2 hrs. north of the loading dock that sent my copy 5 hrs. in the wrong direction and languish for days waiting to be redirected back to me. was very dated when it arrived in my rural mail box. I waited on the gravel road like a dog waiting for the school bus for an anticipated arrival.....usually with my beloved rescue yellow lab.
When I would call them and say "Maybe I should hitchhike down to get my copy at your office/shipping dock on "The Day".....they had just stumbling, mumbling and bumbling responses. My criticisms in NO way reflect on the beloved Bob Lemke or the hard working USPS workers but just SCD's inept approach to marketing their product. But....that was the place to find cards, in the '90's, and meet some really cool dealers and engage in wonderful phone conversations. But...those days are gone...for sure.
Sincerely, Dennis O'Brien....because I am being critical of SCD
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