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Old 08-30-2018, 07:14 PM
Rich Klein Rich Klein is online now
Rich Klein
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Plano Tx
Posts: 4,521

Here is my David Rudd imitation:

I have written back in the day about the decline of SCD. Certain aspects of their decline probably would have occurred just as it did at Beckett in terms of print.

However, the failure to be quicker to adapt to modern technology is still a major issue. Do you know I can list my show on Beckett by myself through their convention calendar but I have to email the editor of SCD to get it listed in their catalog. Small issue, but why could they not make it easier for a promoter to list shows. Beckett does verify and approve all listing, they could do the same at SCD. And yes I mentioned my frustration to SCD at the National about that issue.

I do think the collector to collector showcase ads are a winner for all concerned.

But the fact that Beckett was way ahead on technology is why Beckett won the pricing and hobby publishing game. My old friend Frank Barning told me that more than 20 years Beckett would win because of that. BTW -- he was writing an SCD column at that time so he would have been just as happy if SCD won the war.
Look for our show listings in the Net 54 Calendar section

Last edited by Rich Klein; 08-30-2018 at 08:18 PM.
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