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Old 08-30-2018, 09:16 PM
prewarsports prewarsports is offline
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Originally Posted by LincolnVT View Post
Just about every "card" is chopped from a larger sheet.
Wow, ok. I have a red plastic car in my driveway that my kids cruise around on but if I take that to the DMV they wont call it car just because my kids do.

I will state a couple of observations from several decades as both a collector of cards and photography.

1. There is not one single other set of cards in the Standard Catalog that I am aware of that is a hand chopped piece of photography that has not one shred of evidence that it was issued in any product or was part of any promotion that is considered a baseball card.

2. There are numerous issues of photography that fit every parameter used to distinguish the Frederick Foto cards as "cards" (except for the cute card like size) that would never in a million years pass as baseball cards.

My question was all in the name of trying to get opinions from other educated collectors about the nuances of a popular and VERY valuable set of baseball cards, but it does not look like people really care so I will walk away and wish everyone a nice holiday weekend.
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