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Old 09-11-2018, 01:37 PM
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Join Date: Sep 2013
Location: Florida/Indiana
Posts: 1,094

I'll never forget. So many emotions and memories about 9/11. Doesn't matter if it's 1 year or 17 years ago. Still the same.

I had just started high school (15 years old). I was in my Jazz Band class when, our music teacher (who was from NY) frantically turned on the TV in the classroom. Complete silence.

I really didn't know what to make of it at the time. However, when more information started to unfold. We were hearing some details that hijackers took control over airplanes leaving Logan International Airport in Boston. My father who is an airline pilot, was leaving Logan for his flight around the exact same time, these flights had left. There wasn't a lot of information and we didn't know what else was going to happen or how many airplanes were actually hijacked. I rushed into my teacher's office, tried calling my dad. Nothing. Tried calling my family. Nothing. I kept trying to call but nothing. You couldn't make any phones calls that day, the lines were so busy. I broke down and cried. All I could think about was, did my dad's plane get hijacked? I never felt so numb, empty and afraid.

The high school, allowed us to go home. However, it was impossible to get a hold of anyone for pick up...not to mention our high school is very close to Patrick AFB (FL) which was on lock down and caused roads to shutdown. I decided to just literally run home, which was 2.5 miles away.

We heard from my dad later that night, that he was okay.Took him about a week to get a flight home. When my dad finally made it home, he just started crying.

Thinking of everyone today.Heavy heart.Much love.
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