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Old 09-24-2018, 05:05 AM
Dpoolem3 Dpoolem3 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2017
Posts: 41

Originally Posted by Lorewalker View Post
Yeah...not too much to defend with that assessment. I guess it is sorta close to VG-EX on a good day (stain aside) but they grader clearly missed the ST. So much for their quality control. They supposedly have people who verify grades after the card is sealed. I never believed it. I figure on most stuff it is one and done. One set of eyes assigns the grade and onto sealing and into a box.
Taking numbers from their public financial statements and loosely doing terrible math and estimating when we did not have the true number

we guessed that each grader could not spend more than 80 seconds per card

that is based on the amount they reported they earned from card grading and dividing it by the number of cards they had graded estimating they have around 17 graders

like I said its far from scientific and the +- could be 0 or it could be 100

But I don't think more than 2 minutes per card is spend assigning the grade and moving it down the assembly line to its next stop
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