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Old 09-26-2018, 03:31 PM
Tony2311 Tony2311 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2015
Posts: 40

Originally Posted by vtgmsc View Post
Unless you are a cop or have a legit reason and paperwork to conceal then:

One of the most serious offenses in New York State – especially within the City of New York – is the Criminal Possession of a Weapon or Firearm under the New York Penal Law. Ranging from the possession of an illegal blade to loaded antique firearms, New York’s weapon laws cast a wide net in prohibiting the carrying of concealed weapons or loaded firearms to further its purpose of reducing homicides and violent confrontations on its urban streets. The law’s broad provisions, when viewed in conjunction with specific licensing requirements for the concealed carrying of firearms as well as statutory presumptions of possession, can make presenting a viable defense to a charge of Criminal Possession of a Weapon difficult without the assistance of top New York weapons possession attorneys.

The penalties for a conviction of Criminal Possession of a Weapon are serious. For instance, while possessing a gravity knife or switchblade – in violation of Section 265.01 of the New York Penal Law – is only a misdemeanor punishable up to a year in jail, individuals found to unlawfully possess a loaded firearm outside the home can face a mandatory minimum sentence of 3.5 years in prison for a classified violent felony. And for those alleged to have carried a firearm during the illegal sale of a controlled substance, recent amendments to the New York Penal Law allows prosecutors to upgrade an otherwise misdemeanor possession offense to a D felony, regardless of any carry license you may possess in the state. New York Penal Law § 265.02 (9), (10).
One of the great reasons to live in Texas and have our own CHL...
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