Thread: James Spence
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Old 10-15-2018, 09:00 AM
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Originally Posted by shelly View Post
I agree with you one hundred percent that he is a bad guy.
I am just saying that he has done research that has proven many items that sold for a lot of money have been fakes.
He has probably made more counterfeit and fake items than he has uncovered. I wouldn't doubt he has even planted some of them. Also, my understanding from Lifson is that Nash plead the 5th over 100 times when asked where he obtained things he owned or consigned. Why would anyone plead the 5th, in court, unless they were guilty of something? I have no issue saying where I have gotten each and every item in my collection, past and present, from. It is still hard to fathom how he hasn't gotten caught with the other bad guys doing bad stuff and currently in jail for it. He was an associate of theirs and no doubt should be paying a price for his bad deeds. So, all that said there will be NO MORE links allowed on this forum to that POS person's site. Anyone can still talk about it or him but no more limks. There is too much trash there including him. Hopefully he lands in jail or worse....
Leon Luckey
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