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Old 10-15-2018, 04:42 PM
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Default T207 ...

Originally Posted by tedzan View Post

Actually, I have a theory regarding the printing of the T207 cards. I don't think they were printed at American Lithographic (as most of the T-cards of that era were). If so, this may explain why Cobb, CYoung, etc. were not featured in the T207 set.

I can't help but agree with you on this Ted, primarily because we have evidence that the T207's (both Recruit and Broadleaf class) were printed on sheets both horizontally and vertically - similar to the Obaks ( - scroll to the bottom). I don't believe any of the current discussions or thinking around the T205/206 printing processes has suggested that link.

Just feels like (for that and other reasons) it wasn't the typical ATC/ALC production, so to speak. Regardless, there's still a lot to learn.

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