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Old 10-23-2018, 12:52 AM
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Ulidia Ulidia is offline
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: London, UK (from Belfast, NI)
Posts: 144

Originally Posted by Big Six View Post
I just know that if I win the Mega Ball, I will be buying something on the west coast of Ireland near Galway. To me, heaven on earth...
A lovely part of Ireland. My favourite vacation spot is further north on the west coast - a small village called Glencolumbkille in Co. Donegal. I used to spend many long weeks there as a child - I still do return but not as often as I would like as the transport links make it inconvenient to travel to.

For me, within the US, I always have fond memories of San Diego (spent many months in the South Park district in the past) and, elsewhere, I love vacationing in the Philippines - a few days in Makati (part of Metro Manila) and then Borocay or Palawan Islands is hard to beat.

Always loved trips to “behind the Iron Curtain” in the 1990s - even though the Iron Curtain had been dismantled by then, it still retained a very different vibe. Vilnius (Lithuania) in 1996 and Tbilisi (Georgia) in 1997 particularly stood out.

However, increasingly, I’m more likely to choose parts of Europe for vacation - in part because I am less tolerant of long-haul travel. I’m currently travelling to Milan circa 10 to 12 times a year and, whilst it doesn’t have the allure of Florence or Rome to most visitors to Italy and looks a bit more urban / industrial, it’s a great city for me - and, location wise, is perfect as it’s easy to travel from there to Lake Como and other beautiful destinations in northern Italy, Austria, Switzerland etc.
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