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Old 10-28-2018, 12:01 PM
Touch'EmAll Touch'EmAll is offline
Join Date: May 2009
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Default Bo

Yes, Bo never played an entire NFL season. The reason ? He was too darn good at MLB (all-star) that it encroached on his NFL career. His throwing arm most definitely ranks in the top ten in the entire history of MLB. The outfield range with Bo was also incredible. So his MLB all-star status kept him from racking up NFL stat brownie points. If he didn't play MLB, his NFL stats would be even more impressive.

But lets look at his NFL stats compared to, say, the recognized greatest running back of all time, Jim Brown. Brown played in 118 games. Bo played in roughly one third the games Brown did - 38 games. One of the biggest (if not The biggest) woo hoo stat for NFL running backs is Yards per Carry. Jim Brown had a higher career yards per carry more than anyone at 5.2 - well, better than almost everyone. Bo Jackson had 5.4

Speed? At an NFL combine, Bo ran the 40 in 4.12 seconds. Still the fastest 40 ever recorded at any NFL combine. Bo is up with the fastest NFL'ers of all time. It has been said that only Bob Hayes could have been faster. Bob Hayes won an Olympic Gold Medal at the 100 Meters and at the time set a World Record.

Strength & Power? Bo just bowled them over with his unbelievable power. Take a look at some youtube highlight videos, and I think you too will agree that his strength was unparalleled as an NFL running back.

So, Bo missed out on NFL games because of two reasons - he was too good at MLB, and then had a career ending injury.

I have not seen all the greats, however, from what I have seen, in my lifetime Bo had the best outfield arm I ever saw, was the fastest NFL'er I ever saw, had the most power of any NFL running back I ever saw, and compiled the highest yards per carry of any NFL running back ever to play the game.

He really should be in at least the NFL football HOF. Oh, that third word - FAME. Yeah, he was pretty darn famous. Imho, Bo & Jordan probably the two most famous athletes of my time. That should count for something as well.
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