Thread: Every year
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Old 11-02-2018, 09:54 AM
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Garth Guibord
Join Date: Jan 2016
Location: Portland, OR
Posts: 970

Originally Posted by irv View Post
Love hockey as well, but being Canadian, I don't imagine that was much of a shock to anyone.

This year is the first year in 10 yrs my son isn't playing hockey. I knew this day was coming but boy did it come quick!!

Being a trainer, an assistant coach and being on the bench is something I loved and looked forward too.
My son's soccer team this fall had a coach that wasn't a dad of one of the kids. His own kids are now in college, but he was willing to coach anyway because he loves the game. My son is 8, and the coach said he's interested in continuing to coach the group as they get older. Good coaches can be hard to find, and I bet your skills would be welcome on a younger team (although perhaps soccer in the US is not a very good proxy for hockey in Canada!).
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