Thread: Every year
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Old 11-02-2018, 11:19 PM
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AGuinness AGuinness is offline
Garth Guibord
Join Date: Jan 2016
Location: Portland, OR
Posts: 970

Originally Posted by irv View Post
I have thought about that, Garth, and may just do it next season/year depending on how this winter goes with snowmobiling? Right now I have been fairly busy with retirement things, wills, finances and a host of other things that need doing off the Honey Do list as well as my own things.

Also, I currently have a bud whose son just started playing hockey this year at the age of 10. Starting at such an age has its disadvantages and it, according to his Dad, really bothers his son that he can't skate very good compared to the other kids on his team.
Not that I am a great skater myself but I believe I can help him with some things that I have learned over the years running practices and drills.
The fact remains, however, even if I can't teach him much, just being on the ice is what he needs the most.
My bud is seperated and neither he nor his ex know how to skate very well, or at all, so with the issues of work, who has him, etc, etc, getting him on the ice for a public skate or stick and puck is rather difficult.

I haven't ran it by his Mother yet but hopefully, when I get up with things, she will be receptive to it?
He's a great kid and I think both of us will enjoy it so I am looking forward to it.
It can be tough to fit in coaching sports with all that goes on in life, but a great coach can make such a difference. It sounds like you have a lot you could offer to aspiring hockey players, I'll be rooting for you if you take the plunge.

I've had the chance to be assistant coach for my older son's soccer team this year and my younger son's t-ball team a couple years back. Both were fun and I'm grateful that I could do it (although I found that by the end of the season I was ready for a break, and in both instances there were a couple kids on each team that drove me a little batty). I also figured out pretty quickly when my oldest son was quite young that even just a different voice other than a parent sometimes has an easier way of getting through to kids.

I wish I had gotten an earlier start on hockey - I didn't start skating until I was probably 12 or so. We had a neighborhood rink and there were many pickup games of hockey down there, so I had to learn fast. It was a ton of fun, and I'm a bit jealous these days of my friend who plays in a men's rec league, which I would get destroyed in.
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