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Old 11-14-2018, 10:29 AM
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AGuinness AGuinness is offline
Garth Guibord
Join Date: Jan 2016
Location: Portland, OR
Posts: 939

I think it's tough to tease out the impact of the decisions for players in the Junk Wax era, how much of the value was depressed due to those decisions/actions and how much was due to their cards being in that era.

Might be easier to track some of the more recent tragedies (Oscar Tavares and Jose Fernandez, in particular and sadly), with the amount of money put into their most desirable cards and what happened after their untimely deaths.

As for Pete Rose, I wonder if he does ever get into the HOF (which I think is unlikely), if he even will receive the typical HOF bump. At this point, his cards are basically priced in the range of HOFers, while most collectors who have an opinion of him are unlikely to be changed even if he is inducted (in other words, I'm not sure the demand would increase if he made it in).
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