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Old 11-14-2018, 12:42 PM
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D. Bergin D. Bergin is offline
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Originally Posted by ls7plus View Post
The only question I have with regard to Bell is why he should be allowed to become a free agent next year when he has failed to abide by the contractual terms in the collective bargaining agreement with Pittsburgh. Given that is the extent of my knowledge on the subject--there may be something else in the agreement which specifically allows for free agency in such circumstances, but barring that, it seems to me as a lawyer that he would owe the Steelers a season under the terms agreed upon between owners and union before he can become a free agent.

Just sayin',


Steelers still have the option to franchise him again next year, or tender him an offer which other teams can compete against and the Steelers have the right to match.

There's nothing that says he was required to sign the Steelers franchise offer this year. Steelers used that option on him with the risk he would not take them up on it. It essentially becomes a 1 year unpaid retirement for Bell.
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