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Old 12-12-2018, 09:26 AM
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Bob Andrews
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Houston Tx Area
Posts: 1,375

Favorite non-Oriole players are both pitchers, one modern and one from the games early days. Billy Pierce pitched in the first game I saw in person. He started for the White Sox in a doubleheader in 1960 at Yankee Stadium. Not sure why he jumped out at me as a player but I remember being excited to pull his cards from that point on. I’ve built a nice collection around him and was lucky enough to corespond with him before he passed in 2015.

The other is Charles ‘Chief’ Bender. I read a copy of his bio and was struck by how he was self made, so very accomplished. I developed a great admiration for him through the years.
People are crazy and times are strange, I used to care but things have changed -Dylan

Last edited by commishbob; 12-12-2018 at 09:28 AM.
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