Thread: Ruth M101-5?
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Old 01-03-2019, 09:28 PM
ls7plus ls7plus is offline
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Southfield, Michigan
Posts: 1,765

I at least have honest questions, but not enough real answers. Todd seems to have plenty of bluster, but not much else. I am suggesting that at least one answer is easily had by the original poster to the thread before taking any decisive action--examination of the print dot pattern by magnification. That will either lead to more questions or signal the end of the trail.

Personally, I will be pursuing my own answers in due course, but have absolutely no reason to hurry, as other priorities have easily superceded it (new condo in Florida; Z06 Corvette to go with it; no need for the money any such card would be worth, so no financial motivation on my part; and wouldn't be selling it in any event). My purchases are intended to be investments over the long haul--some will work out, some will not, but I believe a great deal will over the long term and to a great extent, especially as our hobby continues to grow in numbers and knowledge. How many countries did REA announce their auctions reach?!? My collection will serve as just a minor part of my estate, most probably auctioned off upon my death to assist in putting my niece, nephew and granddaughter's children through college, as well as directing a portion to the missionary work of the church.

Answers won't be that hard to come by, and whatever they may turn out to be, I can accept them--if I'm wrong, then I'm wrong (I'll have no problem admitting it--never have). The answers will, however, come from those qualified to give them, and not those apparently without the requisite expertise who are instead driven by ego and assumption--that's purely a fool's path.

Sincerely stated,


Last edited by ls7plus; 01-03-2019 at 10:21 PM.
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