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Old 01-11-2019, 10:48 AM
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Garth Guibord
Join Date: Jan 2016
Location: Portland, OR
Posts: 942

Originally Posted by frankbmd View Post
The history of NBA scoring over various eras is difficult to comprehend.


I would say that this timeline for the NBA form 1954-2019 could not have been forecasted. Rule are rules and they have changed which have led to changes in the way the game is played. Each era, i'm sure, has its proponents. Personally the current game is not my favorite.

Disclaimer: This was written from memory without consulting statistics. Some of my statements may be a little off, but not much.
Good stuff, although it struck me when reading through that athletes have also changed dramatically over the decades - and they have in every sport, making big impacts. Russell may not have ever fouled out, but I think if he were playing today with the amazing size and quickness of today's players, he'd need to push himself on defense more and likely commit more fouls.

And thinking on this just now, I wonder if there is a point in the NBA's history when we can identify when the "star treatment" started (star players getting favorable calls). Any idea?
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