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Old 01-13-2019, 07:03 AM
Marchillo Marchillo is offline
St3phen M@rchillo
Join Date: May 2017
Posts: 694
Default White Plains Show disorganization creates for a bad experience

My name is in my signature and I stand behind this post. If anyone involved in the promotion is on this site I’d be happy to discuss.

First off like like the other post said the place was a great environment. I had fun at the card tables. Spent a lot of time at one table in particular working on my 68 set. I was planning on getting 2 autographs that day Smoltz (hof ball collection) and Gooden (84 Topps Traded). Also Randy Jones (1974 Topps) was a free guest.

The autograph scene there can be quite a sh*tshow at their bigger shows. Even waiting in line when you arrive to buy tickets can be painful. So I learn my lesson and I prebuy my tickets. I end up with Smoltz #7 and Gooden #6. Perfect.

Smoltz - 10:30
Gooden - 2:00
Randy Jones in between

I take a quick walkthrough and finger through some 68’s at one table while I wait for Smoltz. He was on stage with Glavine, RA Dickey, Steven Matz, maybe one other guy. They start calling numbers. 1-10 gets called I go up there, no hassle, very organized etc. smooth.

Do my shopping before the Randy Jones line. Line was insane but free autograph not really much they can do. They put us against the right wall. They also have a line for Buckner and Mookie Wilson (MW was 30 mins late I guess). It’s tight over there. Buckner is taking a long time and he’s past his commitment. I heard the promoter say he has sever dementia (sad - didn’t know this). Anyways they form a third line to speed through Buckner. It’s tight and uncomfortable. The promoters are yelling at people, hurry up, no talking to Bucker, no handshakes etc. they weren’t using the number system, people pay money for this (appalling), waiting in these packed lines that you are on top of each other. Oh yeah and the JSA table is in the same location and those people are getting yelled at by the promoter.

Finally I get through the line. It’s around 1:45. Doc is signing on stage (scheduled at 2:00). I’m ready to get out of there. I have #6 so figuring 2:30 max. I meet up with my buddies and wait for them to start calling for Doc. He’s 30 mins late (bummer - not promoters fault). Tons of people on stage waiting. No announcements. Every 15 mins I go up there to see how it’s going. Everyone waiting there has no clue what’s happening. Doc gets there but no numbers being called. I go up the back stairs to inquire. Guy in a suit was a total jerk. He says they aren’t using numbers for Gooden. I tell him I had Smoltz and they used the numbering system and it was the whole reason I pre-bought. His answer was “well sometimes we use them and sometimes we dont.” What the hell is that? Meanwhile it’s now like 2:45 and my meter expires at 3:15. I wait in line and finally got the auto right around 3:15. I was lucky that most people weren’t there for Gooden. Oh and the final kick in the nuts is after he signed the card in blue sharpie he picked the card up by the autograph and it got smudged and ruined (again not the promoters fault). By this time I was out of time and didn’t have the energy to deal with them anymore. I had to run to my car and the meter guy was there so I got lucky.

Logistics at these things can be tough. But seemingly every large event they run with big name guests turn out poorly. The Shriners does a much better job. My biggest beef is how they feel like can yell at people who stand in lines for over an hour and paid money for an autograph. The inconsistency is annoying too.

Sorry for the long read. I’d be interested in others experiences with getting autos at the event.

Last edited by Marchillo; 01-13-2019 at 07:09 AM. Reason: Typos
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